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융합정보대학원 협력기관 공공기관


주베트남 한국문화원

주베트남 한국문화원은 베트남에 한국문화를 전파하기 위해
한국문화와 관련된 각종 행사와 교육을 진행하고 있는 국가기관으로,
베트남 하노이에 위치하고 있습니다.

고려사이버대학교와 주베트남 한국문화원은 베트남에서의 '한국문화 시리즈' 보급과 저변 확대를 위해 상호협력협약을
체결하였습니다. 협약을 통해 양 기관은 무료 온라인 한국문화 프로그램인 '한국문화 시리즈'를 베트남에 보급하고 학술, 교육 및
인적자원교류에 서로 노력하기로 하였습니다.


베트남에서의 '한국문화 시리즈'의 보급에 협력, 포럼, 학술대회, 공동연구 등 학술교류에 협력
교재출판, 콘텐츠 개발 및 상호이용 등 교육교류에 협력, 학생 연수, 교원 교류 등 인적자원교류에 협력

  • 협정서 서명 후 기념촬영협정서 서명 후 기념촬영
  • 협정서 서명 후 기념촬영협정서 서명 후 기념촬영


Agreement of Cooperation among The Cyber University of Korea, University of Language and International Studies, VNU and The Korean Cultural Center in Vietnam / To promote cooperation for disseminating and promoting of 'korean Culture Series' in Vietnam, The Cyber University of Korea, University of Languages and International Studies, VNU and The Korea Cultural Center in Vietnam affirm the willingness to support academic activies of common interests as follow; Each party will promote 'korean Culture Series' under the aim of making it more accessible to the public in vietnam; Each party will cooperate towards the publication of textbooks and research monographs, as well as in the developing and sharing of media contents; Each party will coopreate with the others when organizing academic events, such as forums, symposia and academic conferences, and encourage academic exchange; Each party will seek to encourage the exchange of students and professors between the respective units of their organizations; Each party will discuss issues not specified in this Agreement under the general terms of agreement towards cooperation as stipulated by this Agreement.Details regarding the means of cooperation will be agreed upon by both parties following discussions regarding the particular issue at hand. Each party will not divulge, nor make public, information regarding the others acquired throughout the process of cooperation, to a third party. This Agreement becomes effecive on the date of signature. The Agreement is valid for 3 years, during which time these parties may propose revisions and modifications to its clauses. These party can call for an earlier termination of this Agreement, pending the mutual consent by each parties. The Agreement will be renewed automatically for three years, unless a written notification for termination is sent to other parties. Each party is retain a copy of this Agreement in their respective institutions. / October 4, 2015 / Choong soon Kim, ph.D. President The Cyber University of Korea Nguyen Hoa, ph.D president University of Languages and International Studies, VNU Nark Jong Park, ph.D Director The Korean Cultural Center in Vietnam