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융합정보대학원 협력기관 공공기관


동암 문화연구소

동암 문화연구소(East Rock Institute)는 초대 주미특명전권공사와 UN 대표를 지낸
故 고광림 박사가 설립한 한국연구소(Korea Institute)를 계승하여 60년째 명맥을 이어오고 있는
비영리 단체입니다. 한국과 동양의 문화를 미국 내에 널리 알리고 재미교포 차세대 리더를
육성하는 교육문화사업을 실천해오고 있습니다.

고려사이버대학교와 동암 문화연구소는 미국에서의 한국어 및 한국문화 보급에 대해 상호협력하기 위한 협약을 체결을
체결하였습니다. 협약을 통해 양 기관은 무료 한국어 및 한국문화 온라인 교육 프로그램인 '바른 한국어'의 미국에서의 보급을 위해
서로 노력하기로 하였습니다


미국에서의 한국어와 한국문화 프로그램의 홍보, 한국에서 한인 2-3세 대학생의 수업 튜터 활용 지원, 온-오프라인으로 한국어·한국문화·한국역사 출판에 대한 상호 협력


Agreement of Cooperation Between the Cyber University of Korea And East Rock Institute / To support each other's activities and common intersts. The Cyber University of Korea and East Rock Institute cerify their willingness to cooperate with each other to their mutual benefit as follows: Both parties will promote 'Quick Korean'(Free on-line Korean language and culture learning program) with the aim of increasing public awareness and usage of the website in the United States of America; East Rock Institute will help identify 2 and 3 generation Korean-Americans to work as English instructors in Korea with Korean students in Korea through The Cyber University of Korea; Both parties will cooperate to organize academic events and encourage academic exchange; Both parties will work together to develop and disseminate newly developed on-line and printed materials on Korean language, culture, and history; Issues not specified in this Agreement of Cooperation will be discussed by both parties, as stipulated by this Agreement under its general terms. Details regarding the means of cooperation will be agreed upon by both parties following discussions regarding the particular issue at hand. Neither party will divulge, nor make public, information regarding one another acquired throughout the process of cooperation to a third party. This Agreement becomes effecive on the date of signature. The Agreement is valid for 4 years, during which time either party may propose revisions of modifications to its clauses. Either party can call for an early termination of this Agreement, pending mutual consent by both parties. The Agreement will be renewed automatically for three years, unless a written notification of termination is sent to the other party. Each party will retain a copy of this Agreement in their respective institutions. October 10, 2015 Choong soon Kim, ph.D. President The Cyber University of Korea Christopher Y. Park, M.D, ph.D. president East Rock Institute